Pine nuts

Our Iberian pine nuts are perfect, raw or toasted, for adding to your meat and salad recipes. Their woodsy, creamy, sweet taste with touch of wood or resin, make them an unique complement in your cooking.

The process of making them is characterised by completing their maturation and extracting them naturally: by drying the pine nuts gathered during the winter in the sun.

In Mediterranean cooking they add flavour to mince, cod, pasta fillings and salads, spinach and mushrooms. They are generally combined with garlic, parsley, olive oil or toasted bread. In haute cuisine their use is common in carpaccios, mixed with cheese, aromatic herbs and shellfish.

The Iberian pine nut is recognizable by its elongated shape; its light, not yellowy, colour; its rich creamy taste, not strong or dry; and for having less fat and more proteins than other species.

It is the main ingredient in well-known sauces like pesto.

Light toasting draws out all their flavours and aromas for adding to your recipes.

Protected inside the cones, pine nuts keep more than five years. But once taken out and peeled, the can become rancid, so we must store them hermetically and well away from the light.