20 may. 2024
Carmencita had the honor of receiving the renowned designer Agatha Ruiz de la Prada on their new factory installations. The visit took place during morning, taking advantage of the fact that the designer had to attend the I Congreso Internacional de Diseño on the evening. An event organized by the Cámara de Comercio de Alicante, which took place at the Museo Arqueológico Provincial de Alicante (MARQ).
During her tour, Agatha Ruiz de la Prada expressed her admiration towards the exceptional way in which an industrial company like Carmencita has integrated design and aesthetics both on its products and installations.
Other of the aspects that impressed the designer the most was the saffron packaging process. From the manual aeration to the final packaging. Agatha was impressed with the meticulousness with which this valuable product is treated. She also liked the new Oven Bags, one of Carmencita’s latest launches.
Throughout her visit, Agatha Ruiz de la Prada praised the packaging designs of the references from Carmencita. The labelling of each product, the cases, the external boxes…The designer made emphasis the care with which Carmencita works on every detail of each one of their products. Agatha highlighted the importance of having integrated such designs, since it is a relevant factor which enriches the shopping experience of a consumer of the brand Carmencita.
The visit ended with a meal with the members of Carmencita’s management team, in where they shared their thoughts about the role design pays on the food industry. Jesús Navarro Alberola, managing director; Paco Escolano, sales manager, and Javier Fontecha, finance director.
Without any doubt, this visit strengthened Carmencita’s compromise with design, innovation, and quality, while it put into value the dedication with which Carmencita has taken the maximum care with the fabrication of their products for a hundred years.